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Meet the Teacher

Hello!  My name is Lizzie and I am a first third fourth grade teacher in the great state of Texas.  I am a wife, a mother to two furry babies, and writer of Cannon's Crafty Curriculum!

This is now my 5th year of teaching!  Oh my goodness!  Time flies when you're having fun with the little people.  After graduating from Texas State University {Eat em' up cats!} I received a wonderful opportunity to teacher 1st grade in another town.  I taught 1st grade for two years and I absolutely loved it.  But God only meant it for a season.  Through many amazing relationships we made, God moved my husband and I back to our amazing city.  That is where I accepted a new position in 3rd grade.  I taught third grade for two more years and now I am teaching fourth grade!

I love helping and sharing my ideas with other educators or those who wish to become educators.  I hope that this will be a tool that you call can use for that purpose!
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