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The Beginning of a New Journey

Hello People of Cyber World!

I am embarking on a new journey...blogging.  This is all new to me and I hope it can become a great way for me to not only reflect on what is going inside my classroom and life but to be able for you to be able to draw from my experiences and expertise as a teacher and use them in your own classrooms.

Sorry!  I should probably introduce myself!  My name is Mrs. Cannon and I am a TEACHER!  (Said in a Superman kind of voice)  And not just any teacher....a 3RD GRADE TEACHER.  **dun dun dun**  I know, people give me crazy eyes too when I tell them I am teaching in elementary.  In fact, this is my first year in 3rd grade.  I have spent the last few years in 1st grade, which I LOVED!  I was extremely excited though when I found out that I was going to be in 3rd grade this year.  It has been a hard transition, not just being in a new grade, but at a brand new school and in a brand new district.  It has definitely been a learning process this year.  What has been amazing, however, is that I have been able to bring all my primary experience to 3rd grade and combine it and grow it with all the independence and rigor that comes with 3rd graders.  The perfect combo! 

Well, I have many goals for this blog so please, please, PLEASE hang on as I try and create this amazing new tool in my life.  And share this with all your teacher friends!  You will be hearing from me soon!  After all, Christmas Break is only 12 work days away! :)

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