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Dear Teachers...

Dear Teachers,

Remember yourself. In this very busy, stressful, exhausting, frustrating time of the school year, remember you. When you're trying new things to adjust your instruction, when there are changes in expectations, when parents are being ridiculous, when students who you have done nothing but care for and treat with love mouth off to you, remember yourself and your purpose. I won't lie, the last two weeks have been some of the most challenging, stressful and hardest in my career. I had forgotten about myself. Now my body is paying the price and I'm at home on orders of bed rest from the doctor. So please Teacher friends, take care of yourself. Remember yourself in this demanding but wonderful job we have chosen. Remember yourself and that before your students (and this may be blasphemous) YOU MUST COME FIRST. You are a wonderful group of people and you are amazing for what you all do on a daily basis for kids. You are irreplaceable. You are not alone. Keep on teaching teacher and remember, you are just as important as your students.

A teacher friend
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