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Counting Down the Clock: The Last Few Weeks of School

We are know the feeling...

This sums it quite nicely.  Why yes, I am a fan of Leslie Knope and yes, this is what I feel during those final weeks when you tend to look at the calendar a little more than usual.  Standardized state tests, end of year grades, end of year testing, ARDs, 504 meetings, RTI meetings, and let's not forget, TEACHING!  It's so easy to get bogged down by the rigamoro of all the meetings and testing but lets not forget why we are still here.  Its to scrape the kids off the ceiling celebrate all the hard work that you and your students accomplished over the last ten months. As you are winding down those last few days or weeks of school, reflect on all the progress you have all made.

I personally didn't realize the impact of my management decisions and how incorporating Conscious Discipline was one of the best things I could have done with the class I had this year.  I didn't get the book until about a month ago but I focused on the simple and first focus which was "Composure" and applying this to myself and my students.  At the beginning of the year I had some students who threw themselves to the floor crying, refusing to listen or even verbally refusing to follow directions.  After many blood, sweat, and tears lots of practice, my students were telling me how they could compose and self-manage.  It wasn't until these past few weeks did I realize the growth that over half my class made with their behaviors, just with the simple act of Composure.

So whatever you may be reflecting on this year, try to find at least one thing where all you can say is "Wow!"  I am so thankful for all the growth that happened this year.  It was very painful but it was overall a rewarding and enlightening experience this year.  I hope you all enjoy your last few weeks before summer!  Get some much need rest!  You all deserve it! :)
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