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Hour of Code

Hello Everyone!  Its been about a while since I last posted but goodness, gracious!  Its the LAST week before Christmas Break so you know how it is...truck loads of paperwork, grades are due, Christmas parties, and the kids are just ready for a break.  I think this sums up December for teachers quite accurately...

I hope I'm not the only teacher that is constantly scraping the kids off the ceiling. :)  I did want to share something really COOL that our district is doing this month to help encourage students to try out computer programming.  It is called the "Hour of Code"!   This program is just awesome and the kids just LOVE it!!!

This is an online program where students learn about computer coding and how to program games that every kids loves.  Angry Birds, Plants vs. Zombies, Frozen, Flappy Bird you name it!  Students are guided through directions and steps to drag and drop "codes" to help program their game to solve game puzzles.  My girls loved the Frozen one (of course) and my boys couldn't get enough of the Angry Bird and Flappy Bird.    

For my advanced students, they were able to get onto a website called Scratch where they are able to create and program their own game or video for others to watch. 

Needless to say, this is a pretty cool tool to help introduce students to the idea of computer programming and design.  We do live in the age of computers and I would not be surprised that by the time these Thirsters are adults, they will be doing all kinds of crazy things on computers and these kinds of skills will definitely be needed.  Happy "teching"!!!  :)

Here is the link to Hour of Code:

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