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Its a Marshmallow Geometry World in the Winter

There is a new Christmas song out there I haven't heard until this year.  Its called "Marshmallow World" and it is one of those songs that will just get stuck in your head all. day. long.  My student love this song so I play it a lot.  They particularly like the version by Francessa Battistelli.

As a grade level, we decided to have a Marshmallow Geometry Party in order to help students be able to identify 2D and 3D figures based on their attributes.  The rules were simple: (1) Sit in a group of 2 or 3, (2) Read each task card's attitributes of the mystery shape, (3) Don't eat the marshmallows and the toothpicks are not meant for poking your eye out Use the marshmallows/toothpicks to create the shape describe on the task card & write it down, (4) you cannot move onto the next task card until a teacher signs off on your correct shape.

It was an awesome activity for all the students.  They were creating, analyzing, and evaluating.  We had them occupied for over an hour and I don't remember a single student asking for a bathroom break. :)  SUCCESS!!! 

It is officially Winter Break!  I hope everyone has an awesome break and holidays!! :)
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