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Implementing Daily 5 - Read to Someone

I have already talked about how to implement Daily 5's Read to Self.  Now I want to dive into Read to Someone!  I've also heard it called many othe names like Read with a Buddy, Mess around Read with a partner, etc. :)

Read to Someone is practiced very similarly to Read to Self, with the exception that students are reading with each other in pairs.  Students use the books in their book basket, which usually contain at least 1 book on their independent reading level assigned by the teacher and 2 books of their own choice.

Students sit in the E-E-K-K (elbow-elbow-knee-knee) position position or some form it while one student reads the books.  Students can switch reading responsibilities back and forth during this time so each student has the opportunity to practice their reading skills. 

Students are also engaged in conversation and even sometimes completing an assignment for one of the books they chose to read together.  The biggest benefit from this center is that students are sharing their skills they are learning in Readers’ Workshop with each other and can have a deeper level of collaboration and conversation.

First 5 Days of Read to Someone

Day #1:

Just like in Read to Self, I will bring all my students to a whole group lesson about the expectations
of Read to Somone.  We will create another T-Chart together about what it looks like the when the "Students" are practicing Read to Someone and what the "Teacher" is doing during this time.  I will take a few moments to model what I want those expectations to look like, then I have the class model and practice those same expectations.  I then partner them up (just for practice) and have them go about into the room to find a place with their partner so we can practice our stamina.  We also graph this stamina.  When in 1st grade I started with 3 minutes but in 3rd grade we start with 5-6 minutes.

**You may notice that my friends in the picture are not necessarily sitting in the EEKK position, this was taken later on in the year after they had been practicing Read to Someone for quite sometime. :)

Day #2-5:

These last 4 days and on are usually just spent working on building our stamina.  If I ever see any of the paired students not following the expectations we have set for Read to Someone, I will either bring them back over to review the expecations or I can just correct it right there.  Either way, if we don't meet our stamina goal for the day, we try again the next day until we reach our ultimate goal of 20 minutes!

When implemented with fidelity, Daily 5 is amazing tool to use during your independent practice time inside your literacy block.  I will be posting more about the last 3 componenets of the Daily 5 framework very soon!  :)

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