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DEVOLSON Take Over Has Ended!!! I've Missed You!!! has definitely been a while since I last made a post!!  Let's just say that DEVOLSON really took a toll on little ole' Mrs. Cannon this year.  Oh wait!  You haven't heard of DEVOLSON?!?  I had a friend share an article with me two years ago about this strange word and let me just tell you...IT'S ALL TRUE!!!

Its that long stretch from the time when you are just getting used to your alarm clock ringing at 5:00am again every morning all the way to "When will Thanksgiving break ever get here?!?!?!"  The article by blogger Love Teach explains very nicely exactly what DEVOLSON is and some ways you can cope with this dark vortex.  This is probably coming a little late, but its never to early to plan for next year!! :)

Here is the article link:

I hope you all have a great a few weeks with your students before the next holiday break...which honestly, can't get here fast enough! :)

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