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First Week of School

WHEW!!! Can I just say...this past back to school week was a whirlwind tornado of craziness!  Meet the Teacher night, sorting supplies, labeling journals, creating About Me posters, talking to worried/inquisitive parents, teaching students how to use the bathroom correctly, how to stand in the hallway correctly, how to use the classrom supplies, how to sit and speak to a partner but also be a good listener.  If I kept going it would be the list that never ends!  I know some of you have left your summer behind been back to school for a few weeks now, some have just started last week, and some of you may be starting this week or the next.  No matter when you start back to school, it is definitely a crazy time but it is also an exhilarating and exciting time.

Students are leaving the unstructured days of summer and TRYING to settle back into a routine at school.  My poor thirdsters are just exhausted by 12:00.  As a teacher, you know when your students have had enough and have completely checked out.  I have learned over the last few years that you have two kinds of students after the clock strikes noon. The "Walking Dead" Zombies or the "I Am Legend" Zombies. The "Walkind Dead" Zombies are slow, shoulders slumped down, their arms slide on the floor right next to their dragging feet, drool is starting to come down the side of their mouth, while their blood-shot eyes are beginning to roll to the back of their head.  The "I Am Legend" Zombies are ravenous, raging with terror and constantly running around the room with some kind of mission to lose their shoes and cause all kinds of madness and maham. 

Can I get an amen?! :)  Even though we are tempted to become one of those zombies ourselves just have a bad afternoon, we must become the great actors and actresses that we are and help our little ones see that even though we may be exhausted, we can still hold it together, get the job done, and still show all kinds of love in the process.  A friend shared this video below with me a couple of years ago and I make sure I watch every year before, during, and after the first week of school.  I will be completely honest, I am completely wiped after the first week and into the second week and sometimes the question, "Why did I choose this job?" will come into my head during weak moments.  But I love watching this video over and over again to remind me why I am here and what my ultimate job is: To SERVE the kids that I given and to love, empower, and encourage them for the next 10 months.  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! :)

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