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I am Enough.

I am Enough.

I am "Enough." As 2016 ends and 2017 begins, that is the word I want to remind myself not just for the next 365 days but until the end of this life and beyond. I spent too much wasted time this past year doubting myself and placing my identity in how well I could perform in all areas of my life. It seemed that when things were going well, I was doing okay. But when there were challenges, I doubted myself and belittled my self-worth more and more. As it rooted and grew, the more I put myself completely last in all areas, job, family, church, etc. because I believed I wasn't worthy enough to take care of my needs and if I were to do that, I was selfish. I would feel guilty to take any time for myself or do anything for myself if there were other things to get done or other people that needed to be cared for or served.

I could sit and reflect on why and what caused me to spend the majority of the year in this position, but it's time to close that book forever and begin this new story. The Lord sees me as "enough." He sees me as a treasure that deserves to taken care of and loved by myself like he loves me. He loved me so much and saw me worthy enough He sent His son to die for me and my sins. He sees me as his creation, what shouldn't be put down by my own self doubt. I no longer want to put myself last on the list. I no longer want to doubt, to put myself down if my character or person is challenged. I will see myself as my Heavenly daddy sees me. I will treat myself with the dignity and respect that He treats me with. I am his daughter. I am his creation. I am "Enough."

"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you many proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." -1 Peter 2:9
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Dear Teachers...

Dear Teachers...

Dear Teachers,

Remember yourself. In this very busy, stressful, exhausting, frustrating time of the school year, remember you. When you're trying new things to adjust your instruction, when there are changes in expectations, when parents are being ridiculous, when students who you have done nothing but care for and treat with love mouth off to you, remember yourself and your purpose. I won't lie, the last two weeks have been some of the most challenging, stressful and hardest in my career. I had forgotten about myself. Now my body is paying the price and I'm at home on orders of bed rest from the doctor. So please Teacher friends, take care of yourself. Remember yourself in this demanding but wonderful job we have chosen. Remember yourself and that before your students (and this may be blasphemous) YOU MUST COME FIRST. You are a wonderful group of people and you are amazing for what you all do on a daily basis for kids. You are irreplaceable. You are not alone. Keep on teaching teacher and remember, you are just as important as your students.

A teacher friend
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Counting Down the Clock: The Last Few Weeks of School

Counting Down the Clock: The Last Few Weeks of School

We are know the feeling...

This sums it quite nicely.  Why yes, I am a fan of Leslie Knope and yes, this is what I feel during those final weeks when you tend to look at the calendar a little more than usual.  Standardized state tests, end of year grades, end of year testing, ARDs, 504 meetings, RTI meetings, and let's not forget, TEACHING!  It's so easy to get bogged down by the rigamoro of all the meetings and testing but lets not forget why we are still here.  Its to scrape the kids off the ceiling celebrate all the hard work that you and your students accomplished over the last ten months. As you are winding down those last few days or weeks of school, reflect on all the progress you have all made.

I personally didn't realize the impact of my management decisions and how incorporating Conscious Discipline was one of the best things I could have done with the class I had this year.  I didn't get the book until about a month ago but I focused on the simple and first focus which was "Composure" and applying this to myself and my students.  At the beginning of the year I had some students who threw themselves to the floor crying, refusing to listen or even verbally refusing to follow directions.  After many blood, sweat, and tears lots of practice, my students were telling me how they could compose and self-manage.  It wasn't until these past few weeks did I realize the growth that over half my class made with their behaviors, just with the simple act of Composure.

So whatever you may be reflecting on this year, try to find at least one thing where all you can say is "Wow!"  I am so thankful for all the growth that happened this year.  It was very painful but it was overall a rewarding and enlightening experience this year.  I hope you all enjoy your last few weeks before summer!  Get some much need rest!  You all deserve it! :)
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Conferencing...What's That?!

Conferencing...What's That?!

Okay...I'm going to be touching into an area that some teachers reaction looks a little like this...
Conferencing!  Conferencing in writing can be a little overwhelming, sometimes just down right messy.  But learning is messy and it is a good messy that drives us to improve our instruction.  So lets get messy together! :)

So lets ask the question...

"Why Conferencing?"  

What drives conferencing and why is it so important in the Writer's Workshop/Writing time frame of your day?  It provides the opportunity for direct and immediate teacher feedback towards the student.  One thing our district is really pushing this year is frequent feedback from teacher to student.  Students constantly need feedback from the teacher, not just to reaffirm anything they are completing in class but to help guide their learning into the direction where they need to ultimately end up.  Conferencing also helps students focus on the complex processes and skills involved in writing.

"When am I going to be doing this conferencing?"

Here are some ideas to help with organizing your conferencing time in your Writer's Workshop.  You can conference as a whole group druing your modeled/shared and interactive writing.  In my mind, this is an OKAY way to conference.  You are able to catch misconceptions right there during the lesson, however, I feel as though time management wise, it may not be the best option.

My favorite way to conference is ONE-ON-ONE with students while they are working in their independent writing time.  I will only stay maybe a few minutes, but I always start with 2 stars (compliments) and a wish (somthing to fix).  If I notice several students are struggling with a similar writing skill/strategy/point, then I will pull the group into a small group and try to conference as a small group to meet all the kids at once.

"What am I conferencing with students?"

You should be listening to your students talk about their writing.  Listen to how they are processing their own brainstorming, drafting, and revisions.  You also are giving feedback to your students and having dialogue with your students.  This way you will have a deeper understanding of your little writers.
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Author's Purpose

Author's Purpose

We spent a lot of time last week working on author's purpose.  It's amazing on how much understanding the author's purpose and craft of writing can significantly impact the knowledge you have of reading.  I needed a good anchor chart to use for our introductory lesson and like any great, masterful teacher would do...I went to Pinterest! :)  I searched and searched and searched and I couldn't find the exact right one to use for our lessons.  In 3rd grade we are now transferring from just identifying the author's purpose but to locating the stated author's purpose and using supporting details/facts to support our understanding through text evidence.  So I took a couple of ideas and combined them all together into this...

We used the basic organization of P.I.E. however we really discussed about how the author can persuade, inform and entertain in many different ways.  Together, we read the short excerpt on the anchor chart and determined what the author's stated purpose was and how we knew that was the author's purpose. (hint: text evidence)  Then I separated them into groups with a different short excerpt and filled out the graphic organizer I created using the information from the short excerpt.  The next day, they used a different piece of non-fiction text and completed the same graphic organizer.  Why change up what is working?  So, for a formative assessment I just had them use the same graphic organizer with a choice non-fiction text on their independent reading level.

One of my goals this year was to create some standard based rubrics, not just rubrics based on our overall units.  So I created this rubric based on the TEKS 3.12A.  If a student meets the standard proficiency, they will receive a 4 (95).  However, if a students goes above and includes the knowledge and skills statement thinking (3.12) then they are exhibiting a higher level of thinking so they can receive a 5 (100).  And then it goes down the list from 3-1.  You can download a copy of the rubric right below...

If you would like a FREE copy of the graphic organizer you can download it HERE!

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